Secondment of Infrastructure Profiles
Deta-Up relieves group companies & account managers during the entire secondment process.
Deta-Up is the secondment company of Uptime Group, in support role towards Uptime & Cronos companies and account managers. Deta-Up has focus on secondment of Infrastructure profiles to existing Uptime customers, Cronos customers and new markets.
Prospecting is done with focus towards secondment assignments. Deta-Up relieves group companies & account managers during the entire secondment process, from search for ideal candidate, over follow-up during project to exit interview after project. Speed is key for scoring new secondment assignments and Deta-Up is the extra gear at Uptime & Cronos Group for this. Deta-up ensures a secondment culture within the group employees.
Deta-up establishes its own pool of permanent employees with choice and vision for secondment assignments.
Extensive contacts with third parties & freelancers, in transparency with these parties and long-term vision. In doing so, Deta-Up can fall back on a wide network and good, long-standing knowledge of the market.